by Jason Webb | Jun 21, 2011 | Endorsing Artificial Grass, Water Conservation
If you’re considering xeriscape landscaping for your home or garden, think NewGrass®. We give lush, green lawns with eco-friendly design. NewGrass® gives any xeriscape design an added dimension. Yet, what is it exactly? says xeriscaping is essentially a...
by Jason Webb | Oct 19, 2010 | Water Conservation
Summer may be over, but drought conditions that persist around the country are still evident. Suburban growth in arid regions continue to keep water conservation in the spotlight. As such, artificial grass rebates were popular for a while. And there are still rebates...
by Jason Webb | Oct 5, 2009 | Water Conservation
So the largest water district in California is again providing rebates. Specifically, rebates are available for customers who replace sod grass with synthetic turf. Yes, artificial grass water rebates are back once again! The revived SoCal Water$mart rebate program...
by Jason Webb | Mar 12, 2009 | Endorsing Artificial Grass, Water Conservation
As mandatory water restrictions appear likely for San Diego County, water officials take action. As such, they have launched a public awareness campaign program. It’s designed to help residents alert neighbors of wasteful water habits. Seems like this could also be a...
by Jason Webb | Sep 12, 2008 | Water Conservation
If you’re considering xeriscape landscaping for your home or garden, NewGrass® gives you the option of including lush, green lawn as part of your eco-friendly, super-water-wise ground design. “NewGrass® gives any xeriscape design an added dimension of rich texture,...
by Jason Webb | Aug 14, 2008 | Water Conservation
Fort Worth, Texas – Replacing traditional sod grass with an artificial lawn like NewGrass® will not only cut your water bill dramatically, it could actually put money in your pocket. More and more water agencies and cities are not only encouraging synthetic grass as a...