5 Surprising Things You Don’t Know About Synthetic Grass

Drought tolerant, sustainable and evergreen, synthetic grass is sprouting up (horrible pun, we know) everywhere. Low maintenance and return on investment are a huge draw for consumers. There are a few things you may be unaware of though.

Consider this our effort to keep you entertained and informed. After this post you may look a little harder at your television the next time your favorite football team plays. You will definitely keep your eyes peeled if you find yourself in England (number 4 is a shocker, we didn’t even know this surprising fact). Read on for details. It seems we have a lot to learn about synthetic grass.

Things You Don’t Know About Synthetic Grass

It’s Common in the NFL

You have probably watched your favorite NFL team play a game on synthetic grass and didn’t even know it. The NFL is all about synthetic grass. Out of 32 professional teams, 56% play on natural grass. That means 44% (or 13 teams) have synthetic grass fields.  Here is a list of NFL teams who use synthetic grass in their stadiums..

  • Dallas Cowboys – AT&T Stadium
  • Seattle Seahawks – Centurylink Field
  • Detroit Lions – Ford Field
  • Atlanta Falcons – Mercedes-Benz Stadium
  • New England Patriots – Gillette Stadium
  • Indianapolis Colts – Lucas Oil Field
  • New York Giants- MetLife Stadium
  • Houston Texans – NRG Stadium
  • Buffalo Bills – New Era Field
  • New York Jets – MetLife Stadium
  • New Orleans Saints – Mercedes-Benz Superdome
  • Cincinnati Bengals – Paul Brown Stadium
  • Minnesota Vikings – U.S. Bank Stadium

Also, the Los Angeles Rams will switch to synthetic grass in 2019 and the Chargers in 2020. And don’t forget the Raiders. When the move to Vegas around 2020, they will use synthetic grass too. Now you have something to look for the next time you watch a game.

There are Different Types

Contrary to what you might think, synthetic grass is not one size fits all. There are different types for different applications. You can even find different color variations as well. NewGrass has one of the best product lines in the industry. The most important thing to keep in mind when making your selection is how much traffic your lawn will receive. This will give you a good starting point for choosing the best grass for your lawn. From there, the sky is the limit… or maybe we should say the ground. NewGrass can suit your taste whether you are looking for a native varietal, fresh summer growth, or something soft for shady spots. Understand, when it comes to synthetic grass one size does not fit all. It shouldn’t. Your lawn is unique just like you.

Less Noise

One of the lesser known qualities regarding synthetic turf involves noise reduction. Turf is a great sound insulator. Installing synthetic grass is particularly helpful if you live in a noisy area. The turf soaks up noise from traffic and passersby. Some people even go so far as installing green walls to help dampen the noise. What a fantastic idea! Not only do you get the sound reduction benefits, you also have a nice zen space as well. With this in mind, it would be quite easy to turn a back patio into a yoga or meditation studio.

They Love it in the UK

While the trend is still growing in the US, synthetic grass is all the rage in Great Britain. A recent survey of 1,000 homeowners yielded some surprising results. More than one in four said they have traded traditional lawns for fake grass. What does that mean? Those lush green garden areas the British cultivate? They are fake. Well, at least 25% of them are. What’s even more surprising is the reason for the switch. Yard maintenance. It topped the list. Most of them said they simply do not have time to mow grass anymore. We think the husbands got together on that one. Can you blame them?

It’s Made Like Carpet

This one surprises for a couple of reasons. Synthetic grass is made very similar to carpet. If you think about it, synthetic grass is really a type of outdoor carpet that lets water drain through. If you have purchased some before you probably noticed it is described with carpet terminology. “Pile Height” refers to the length of the blade from the backing to surface. Synthetic grass “yarn” is made up of plastic polymers. In fact, a lot of it is produced in carpet factories because of its similarities to carpet.

Would You Like to be Surprised?

As the synthetic grass wave continues to sweep the United States, why not stay ahead of the curve? If you are thinking of making the switch, NewGrass is uniquely positioned to help. How so you may ask? Well, we have a sister company that installs synthetic grass in California. This creates a unique one stop shopping environment for you. It makes the process more efficient. Plus, you don’t have to chase down different sales people to get answers. You are dealing with the same people from start to finish. We like to think of it as another one of the surprising things you don’t know about synthetic grass, at least as far as NewGrass is concerned. Let’s look at the benefits the benefits we offer.

NewGrass can help you from start to finish with product selection and ultimately, installation through our sister company, Artificial Grass Pros. This gives you the best of both worlds. Our product line is unequaled and our installers are the best in the industry. Consider what you get by choosing NewGrass:

  • Superior Product
  • Excellent Installers
  • Great Customer Service
  • 15 Year Product Warranty
  • A Fantastic Looking Space

NewGrass products work well for large and small projects in both residential and commercial spaces. We have encountered just about every obstacle you can think of. Yet, we still come up with a great plan for transforming each lawn into a permanent green space. If you would like NewGrass to surprise you, we welcome the opportunity. Contact us today. Together we can help you choose a product that suits your needs and budget. Most important, we will deliver the green space you have been dreaming about. It’s time for NewGrass.


Jason Webb

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